Monday, March 2, 2009


Finally had her 1-year check up and immunization shots done on Friday (2 weeks late)

- A little shy of 20 lbs fully clothed with diaper on.
- Height of 28.5 in

Me. ti`m gia`y cu?a chi. lu'c 1 tuo^?i cho em thu+?, nhu+ la` ddi hia ba?y da^.m, cha^n em ti' te.o cho+i vo+i trong ddo^i gia`y. Ba no'i ai bie^?u dda(.t cho em la` he^'n, di~ nhie^n la` em pha?i nho? con ro^`i.


kiki said...

Mi`nh ma` ddu+o+.c 18 lbs la` ve^nh va'o la('m ro^`i He^'n a. :D Mi`nh xo? gia`y size 3 ma` cu+' ro+'t ma~i, quy' to^.c the^' dda^'y (hehe). *MK*

OcHen said...

Ba.n MK quy' to^.c qua' mi`nh kho^ng compete no^?i. Me. mi`nh cu+' ddem mi`nh ra so vo+'i chi. mi`nh mo+'i co+ kho^? chu+'. Mi`nh lecture cho me. mi`nh 1 tra`ng i' o+'i ma` me. mi`nh cha? hie^?u gi` sa^'t, nho.c co^ng mi`nh tha^.t!